Derrick Rose… Right To Complain?

Derrick Rose is smiling in this picture, but this past Monday against the Knicks he was wearing an opposite emotion.

Even though the Chicago Bulls beat the right now “failing” Knicks this past Monday, Derrick Rose had some things to say to the referees calling the game and he was definitely fined 25K for it! Rose claimed that the refs were not calling enough fouls on his behalf and that the Knicks were setting up illegal screens. Some say that he needs to suck it up and let it go and others say that he needed to make his point. I have to agree with the latter.

We all know that Derrick Rose is not a talker, not even with his face… he is just quiet; So with him actually speaking up about it and making a “fuss” it makes me think that it really has become an issue. Are the refs playing favorites in the league? Looking at players who get more freethrows like D-Wade for example, you see that he communicates with the referees etc.; Derrick Rose seems to play the quiet role… should he start to build a relationship with these refs or would that be “giving in”?

I do believe that Derrick Rose had a right to complain and I don’t believe that he was being overly dramatic. The statistics show that him and his team get less free throw opportunities compared to others. Is this something that could be investigated or does it really matter?

You tell me

About Alicia Genell

Alicia is an Atlanta native with the the natural born skill to write. She loves all things sports related, entertainment related and is IN love with music. Here she will write about it all plus more. Welcome to

Posted on March 14, 2012, in Uncategorized and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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